How We ALL Feel About Package Waste

How We ALL Feel About Package Waste

"After all, what will we tell future generations who inherit a garbage-filled planet?" asked one influencer. "Sorry, but I really loved my swag?”

I don’t know about you but our S’well bottles have become our favorite work out accessory (not to mention beach wine cooler). When we grocery shop, we never forget our reusable Whole Foods shopping bags and our unwanted clothes and linens are sent to RewearAble for upcycling, rather then thrown in the trash. 

We’re REALLY trying here people and packaging is just another pain point for us at Tulerie and a reason we decided not to create branded packaging (aka waste).

We can’t help but be bothered each time it takes us forever to open something because of excessive packaging —  who has the time for this game?? Or when we buy new jeans and they get wrapped in tissue before being put in a shopping bag — sorry, I didn’t realize denim was so fragile it had to be protected for the walk home. And now that we order so much online (thanks Prime) we have boxes on boxes on boxes that need a new home. 

Which is why we are asking our fellow fashionistas to reuse and recycle with us. Re-use garment bags, dry-cleaning plastic, and those random dust bags you’ve collected and put all those Amazon boxes to work when sending out Tulerie items. 

Then pat yourself on the back for being a good human!