Reuse, Recycle, and Shop Repurpose

Reuse, Recycle, and Shop Repurpose

If you have kept up with the recent fashion news, repurpose has become a keyword in the vocabulary for the sustainability and ethical fashion movement. With circular fashion being a core value of Tulerie, the act of rewearing and repurposing your clothing while reducing fashion waste and your carbon footprint is what we promote and encourage amongst our community of changemakers.

You can repurpose your fashion in ways such as mending your torn clothes to make them whole again, donating your clothes to have the fabric recycled, participating in peer-to-peer swapping and rental, or like our friends at Shop Repurpose, which is a nonprofit organization acting on luxury fashion resale. They  use their foundation to “develop programs that support the health and wellbeing of women and families, empower individuals through mentorship and workforce opportunities, and provide conscious-minded communities with opportunities to contribute to a more sustainable world.”

The nonprofit organization was founded in 2020 by NYC personal stylist Jessie Freschl. Before starting her styling business, Freschstyle, Freschl ran her family's luxury women’s boutique in Milwaukee, WI. Her grandmother and mother, who shared her love of fashion, taught her the importance of giving back to your community. The organization is now led by a group of influential businesswomen supporting the growth of others in need while helping them look and feel like their most confident and fashionable selves.

Shop Repurpose works directly with brands and independent donors to build their resale store of luxury fashion. Their reputable luxury brands include Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Prada, Ralph Lauren, and Stella McCartney. Like Tulerie, Shop Repurpose shares the same values of offering higher-end pieces at a discounted price without contributing to new clothing production. Both sustainably-driven companies saw a need for a more eco-friendly shopping method for items that act “new” in your closet.

The organization is open to merchandise donations and encourages fashion consumers to put their used clothing towards more sustainable methods. Their website outlines their merchandise donation standards, drop-off, and appointment scheduling. By becoming a donor, you can take a tax deduction on the fair market value of your resale items which ultimately generates new revenue for nonprofits in need of serious funding.

Shop Repurpose continues to grow and empower the community of innovators around them. They have reached their milestone by raising over a hundred thousand dollars for women and children-focused charities. They have “provided mentorship and job placement opportunities for first-generation college graduates, students, and women in need. Shop Repurpose has built a community of purpose-driven people and organizations, contributing to the circular economy by repurposing thousands of items of clothing.”

Our community here at Tulerie admired their success and was inspired by their vow to be a part of a more conscious and sustainable fashion future. Tulerie is partnering with Shop Repurpose and helping their fight to improve the environment and futures of those in need.

Shop Repurpose has joined the Tulerie closet and has already begun offering its luxury brands on our app. We will soon highlight their values and standards on our website. I think our partners said it best, “from donors to sustainable shoppers, each one plays a role in uplifting someone less fortunate.” The mentorship and workforce development offered by Shop Repurpose are helping build future generations of leaders, sustainability advocates, and creators. The next time you shop, remember to shop sustainable, shop responsible, and shop for a purpose.

-As always, elevate your wardrobe with respected fashion and embrace the shift in style.