

Have you ever posted to instagram wearing the same outfit twice? OMG NEVER, who would ever do such a shameful crime. Being an “outfit repeater” is not a faux pas…in fact it’s a faux, faux pas and this mentality is having serious effects on our environment! One hundred billion garments are made every year and many aren’t worn more than twice.

In honor of Earth Day this year, Google wants you to pledge to lower your environmental impact and support a circular economy and they have found a way to make repeat fashion appearances sustainably glamorous.

As part of the tech firms ‘Your Plan, Your Planet’ initiative, Google has shed light on the abuse of “disposable fashion”, clothing so inexpensive that people can afford to toss garments after minimal wear and constantly buy new ones. As kids, we were taught how to “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, but who decided that only applies to cups and cans? Fashion Friday (#fashionfriday") was created as a way to reduce the constant waste of garments and to create a community of individuals who want to take action. In 3 easy steps you can become consciously fashionable:

1. Reduce

2. Reuse

3. Recycle 

Reduce waste by discovering the many different ways to extend the life cycle of an article of clothing (hello, Tulerie!). Through the ‘Your Plan, Your Planet’ platform you can take the pledge to increase reusability and change climate harming habits. Fashion Friday also allows you to become your own influencer! How? Every Friday wear something that has been sitting in the back of your closet and share it on social media. After wearing it, keep the lifecycle of the garment going by deciding whether you wish to reuse, resell, or give to someone else! Through these simple ways you can reduce your fashion footprint, and start a new trend. I know the Tulerie Team will be taking the pledge! Will you?